pe_Hip_Tines Size: 15,210kb
R&B / HipHop / Ballads / 70s Samples: notes, vibrato notes. 3d position: Player, Highwave Studio.
Great warm Tines for R&B and lots more. Great to sing to.
$ 9.-
pe_Tines_Fast Size: 32,552kb
R&B / HipHop / Ballads / 70s Samples: 2 vel vibrato notes. 3d position: Player, Highwave Studio. The real thing.
Included with vrsound_giga_module
$ 15.-
pe_Tines_Oct Size: 15,363kb
R&B / HipHop / Ballads / 70s Samples: octaves. 3d position: Player, Highwave Studio.
Sampled octaves gives it a more electronic sound but warm wih soft highs, very sweet.
pe_Tines_Slow Size: 44,781kb
R&B / HipHop / Ballads / 70s Samples: 3 velocity notes w slow vibrato 3d position: Player, Highwave Studio.
This one rocks.
$ 19.-
pe_Tines_BUNDLE Size:107,906kb
$ 39.-